Title: Chloe Pandemonium vs Komodo Bare Knuckles #004
Fighters: Chloe Pandemonium and Komodo Gold
Link to download: Purchase here
Outfits: Nude
Price: $12.99
Duration video: 00:12:13
Duration actual fighting: Approximately 3 minutes including a natural break of about twenty seconds
Number of fights: 1
Tactics: Punching, slapping, kicking, hair pulling, grappling and even a few elbows to the crotch
Photos: With permission, I include a few screen grabs from the fight below:
Photo 1: Chloe during her interview
Photo 2: Komodo during her interview
Photo 3: Stare down before the fight
Photo 4: Chloe just before the start of the fight
Photo 5: Komodo just before the start of the fight
Photo's 6 to 8: Action from the fight
Photo 9: Chloe after the fight
Photo 10: Komodo after the fight
Photo 11: The women hugging while Chloe ices her black eye
The fight:
I almost don't know where to begin. Every producer probably hopes to produce that one classic fight where everything just works. This is not the only classic fight produced by Girlfightclub, but it is one of my favorite fights. When I saw that its a short fight, I almost didn't buy it. But I have seen other short fights produced by Girlfightclub which I liked a lot. Sam Smasher vs Melony Mayhem from UGGFC Documentary Episode 2 comes to mind. That fight last merely ten seconds, but it is absolutely worth watching. What convinced me to buy this video is the fact the Girlfightclub, in my view, never oversells their videos. I remember when I saw their site the first time I thought it would be fake fights as a female fight club sounded to good to be true. I was pleasantly surprised when I took a chance and bought my first Girlfightclub video. Anyway, knowing that the fight will be good if they say so, I bought this video and I am so glad I did. This is a classic.
Although both women are sweet and full of smiles during their interviews, they turn into focused fighters when they meet for the stare down before the fight. They come out swinging with everything they have and each moment of this fight is used to hurt the opponent as much as possible. Unlike most short fights, this one is very close and it is impossible to predict the winner until the end of the fight. Both women land hard strikes and both control the fight at different times. Both were clearly hurt during the fight and the tears in their eyes after the fight shows how much punishment both of them took. I think I needed the short break in the middle of the fight as much as the fighters did. My brain was running at a mile a minute and I needed a moment to focus again. A lot happens during this fight. I watched it a few times and only saw the three elbows Chloe threw to Komodo's crotch, the second time I watched it. These women tore each other apart during the fight.
None. My first instinct was to say I wish this fight lasted longer, but somehow the duration of the fight seems to be just right. I do hope to see a rematch though.
I am not even going to try to summarise what I liked about the fight, except to say this is a very intense fight between two evenly matched women. It was worth every cent I paid for it.
Regarding the rest of the video, I very much liked the interviews. These are two sweet, intelligent young women and it is difficult to believe that they would fight each other with so much ferocity. I also love the moment shared by the fighters after the fight while Chloe is sitting on the bed nursing her eye. One almost assumes these women must hate each other, but the desire to tear each other apart was obviously only during the fight.
Thank you to both of you for putting your bodies through this much punishment for our enjoyment. I am a fan of both these fighters and hope to see many more of their fights, and who knows, maybe a rematch or two.